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Images with the accession 1993.049 are part of the From Mission to Partnership Photograph collection.
6 images

Nurses and patients, St. Andrew's Hospital, Atlin, B.C.
Atlin, [19--]

Hospital and nurses' residence built by citizens in 1901, Atlin, B.C.
Atlin, [1901?]

St. Andrew's Hospital, Atlin, B.C. : McDonald ward and laundry (before building last summer)
Atlin, [19--]
McDonald ward and laundry (before building last summer)

St. Andrew's, Atlin, B.C. : nurses' home entrance
Atlin, [19--]

Entrance to new Indian ward
Atlin, [19--]
Entrance to new Indian ward, nurses home, matrons room above nurses' living room, St. Andrews, Atlin, B.C.

[Nurses riding in a dog sled, Atlin, B.C.]
Atlin, [190-?