Nass River
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Images with the accession 1993.049 are part of the From Mission to Partnership Photograph collection.

Tsimshian song
Nass River, [1926 or 1927]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Haran I. Smith
Frank Bolton recording a Tsimshian song for Marius Barbeau and Sir Ernest MacMillan on the Nass River.

Two of a kind
Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

[Thomas Crosby being greeted by Nisga'a at Greenville on the Nass River]
Nass River, [18--?]
First Nation: Nisga'a

Indian architecture : E.L. hall, Lak-al-zap, B.C.
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

Thos. Bryant, organist at Lakalzap
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

Grandma Davis and grandchild
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

Church St., Lak-al-zap
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

The mission house, Lak-al-zap
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

Lakalzap : Church St.
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

The limited express in north country
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

A sturdy sailor and fisherman
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

Church at Lakazap, Naas River
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

Mission church, Naas Harbour
Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

Spring Salmon, Mill Bay, Naas River
Nass River, [ca. 1903]
First Nation: Nisga'a
Photographer: Rev. R.A. Spencer

[Rev. Alfred Eli Green? with Nisga'a at Laxgalt'sap, Nass River]
Laxgalt'sap, Nass River, [18-?]
First Nation: Nisga'a

Salmon cannery at mouth of Naas River, B.C.
Nass River, [19--]