Elizabeth Long Memorial Home – Kitamaat
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Images with the accession 1993.049 are part of the From Mission to Partnership Photograph collection.

The "Home," Kitamaat, B.C.
Kitamaat, [ca. 1909]
Photographer: [Dr. R.W. Large]
Elizabath Long Memorial Home

Elizabeth Long Memorial Home: before cement foundation
Kitamaat, [between 1909 and 1914]

Elizabeth Long Memorial Home, Kitamaat, B.C.
Kitamaat, 1913

Elizabeth Long Memorial Home, Kitamaat
Kitamaat, 1914
![[Women's Missionary Society's Home at Kitamaat]](https://upanddownthecoast.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/93_049P452N-300x194.jpg)
[Women's Missionary Society's Home at Kitamaat]
Kitamaat, [191-?]

Indian girls when they first started the school, Kitamaat
Kitamaat, [19--]

The preacher and the W.M.S. Home boys on the steps of the Home, Kitamaat
Kitamaat, [ca. 1909]
Elizabath Long Memorial Home

Elizabeth Long Memorial Home, Kitamaat mission: staff and pupils
Kitamaat, 1922

Elizabeth Long Memorial Home
Kitamaat, 1911

Kitamaat auxiliary
Kitamaat, 1915 March
"Most of the members are old Home girls, now married with children in the Home in a few cases." -- note on back of photograph.

Pupils and staff of the E.L.M. Home, Kitamaat, B.C.
Kitamaat, 1922

Marching on Empire Day
Kitamaat, 1916
Elizabeth Long Memorial Home, Kitamaat
![[Teachers and children, Elizabeth Long Memorial Home, Kitamaat]](https://upanddownthecoast.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/93_049P460N-300x205.jpg)
[Teachers and children, Elizabeth Long Memorial Home, Kitamaat]
Kitamaat, 1913
![[Elizabeth Long Memorial Home: children and auxiliary women with banner]](https://upanddownthecoast.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/93_049P461N-300x234.jpg)
[Elizabeth Long Memorial Home: children and auxiliary women with banner]
Kitamaat, 1916
![[Elizabeth Long Memorial Home: children and auxiliary women with banner]](https://upanddownthecoast.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/93_049P462-231x300.jpg)
[Elizabeth Long Memorial Home: children and auxiliary women with banner]
Kitamaat, 1916

Swimming at summer camp
Kitamaat, [19--]
Girls of the Elizabeth Long Home (WMS) swimming at the summer camp, Kitamaat

Staff of the Elizabeth Long Memorial Home
Kitamaat, [191-?]
Miss Swann, Mrs. Swann, Miss Isabel Clarke, Miss Alton, Miss Scouten, and Miss I.M. Clark.

Staff of the Elizabeth Long Memorial Home
Kitamaat, [191-?]
Clarke, J.M.; Clark, I.; Scouten, A.; Butcher, M.E.; and Alton, S.E

Children and staff of the Elizabeth Long Memorial Home
Kitamaat, [191-?]

Elizabeth Long Memorial Home, Kitamaat: staff and children
Kitamaat, [ca. 1909]