Allison’s logging camp

Allison's logging camp

Seymour Inlet, [19--]

Photographer: Mr. F.H. Stevens, Vancouver, B.C.

Allison's logging camp where we held the first and last services of the Methodist Church in Seymour Inlet: the mission boat (white) is in the foreground

UCCA, 1993.049P/2926

Point Ellice Bridge

Point Ellice Bridge

Victoria, 1910

Point Ellice bridge, Victoria: logs for sawmill in foreground: sealing fleet beyond bridge

UCCA, 1993.049P/3228

Drying the nets

Drying the nets

Port Essington. [between 1905 and 1909]

Photographer: [Dr. R.W. Large]

A splendid picture of drying the nets at Pt. Essington, B.C. also a few fishing boats. " ... The canning industry is carried on extensively here. Indians, Chinamen, and Japanese are principally employed in the work. The Indians come here from the Skeena River, Queen Charlotte Islands, Kitamaat, and Pt. Simpson to work during the summer. Numerous hotels however prove a great and sad disadvantage often robbing them not only of their hard earned money, by their manhood also. Rev. Mr. Freeman, Meth. Missionary there school, church and hospital." -- note on back of photograph.

UCCA, 1993.049P/2779N

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-103

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-104

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-105

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-106

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

First Nation: Lax Kw'alaams

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-107

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-108

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-109

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-110

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-111

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-112

[Scenes of Port Simpson, B.C.]

Scenes of Port Simpson

Port Simpson, [194?]

This photograph is contained in Bessie French's scrapbook illustrating her time in Port Simpson at the Crosby Girls' Home.

UCCA, 1998.165P/1-113