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Images with the accession 1993.049 are part of the From Mission to Partnership Photograph collection.

Remains of Chieftess Victoria's house: Kill-loo-zal Tribe, Port Simpson, B.C.
Port Simpson, [19--]
First Nation: Lax Kw'alaams
Photographer: F. Button Photo, Prince Rupert

Indian mission church, Victoria B.C.
Victoria, [18--?]
First Nation: Coast Salish
destroyed by fire July 23, 1907

Indian mission, Victoria, B.C.
Victoria, [19--?]
First Nation: Coast Salish

Street on which Indian mission is situated in Victoria, B.C.
Victoria, [19--?]
First Nation: Coast Salish

Indian mission, Victoria B.C.
Victoria, [19--?]
First Nation: Coast Salish

Point Ellice Bridge
Victoria, 1910
Point Ellice bridge, Victoria: logs for sawmill in foreground: sealing fleet beyond bridge

A boat at anchor in Esquimalt, Victoria B.C.
Esquimalt, [19--?]