Cowichan Bay
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Images with the accession 1993.049 are part of the From Mission to Partnership Photograph collection.
Indians catching salmon, Cowichan River (east side of Vancouver Island)
Cowichan River, [19--]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Indian mission school and church
Koksilah, [190-?]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Indian mission school and church, Quamichan
Quamichan Lake, [190-?]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Mission house, Koksilah Indian Reserve
Koksilah, [190-?]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
New mission house at Koksilah showing Bro. C.A. Dockstader and family
Koksilah, 1919
First Nation: Coast Salish
Photographer: Rev. C.M. Tate
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Quamichan Indian village, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Quamichan Lake, [190-?]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
School house, Koksilah
Koksilah, 1919
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
First school at Koksilah with Mrs. Reynolds as teacher
Koksilah, 1919
First Nation: Coast Salish
Photographer: Rev. C.M. Tate
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Indian day school, Koksilah
Koksilah, [19--]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Church, Koksilah, B.C.
Koksilah, [19--]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.
Indian Church, Koksilah, B.C.
Koksilah, [19--]
First Nation: Coast Salish
Cowichan mission, Vancouver Island, B.C.