Alert Bay
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Images with the accession 1993.049 are part of the From Mission to Partnership Photograph collection.

Mission boats approaching the wharf at Alert Bay
Alert Bay, 1932
Photographer: R.C. Scott
Mission boats approaching wharf at Alert Bay for conference of marine workers.

Men sitting in circle : Walkus pole visible at rear, Alert Bay
Alert Bay, ca. 1925
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw

Alert Bay village : pole in front of [Mingo?] Martins house
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
Photographer: Rev. W.H. Gibson

Main St. (the only street) : Indian section of Alert Bay
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
Photographer: Mr. F. Stevens, Vancouver

Indian Totems, Alert Bay
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
W.W. Wrathall, photographer, Hazelton, B.C.

Indian totems, Alert Bay
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
W.W. Wrathall, photographer, Hazelton, B.C.

Totem pole, Alert Bay, B.C.
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw

Chief's totems on north B.C. coast
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
Rev. W.H. Gibson

Totem poles, Alert Bay, B.C.
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
Photographer: McRae Bros.

[Totem Poles, Alert Bay]
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
Photographer: Mr. McRae

Indian Chief's house at Alert Bay
Alert Bay, [19--?]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw

Albert Bay burying grounds
Alert Bay, [19--?]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
emblem of Sis-u-t'l or three headed snake

Alert Bay burying grounds : emblem of Sis-u-t'l or three headed snake
Alert Bay, [19--?]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw
emblem of Sis-u-t'l or three headed snake

[Totem poles looking out over the bay, Alert Bay]
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw

[Alert Bay: a view of the village from the water]
Alert Bay, [ca. 1913]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw

Indian cemetery, Alert Bay, B.C.
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw

[Totem pole attached to house at Indian village, Alert Bay, B.C.]
Alert Bay, [19--]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw

[Cillage, Alert Bay]
Alert Bay, [18--?]
First Nation: Kwakwaka'wakw