If you would like to order images from this site please note the accession number (example: UCCA, 1993.049), the item number, (the number after the /), and the title of the image.
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Images with the accession 1993.049 are part of the From Mission to Partnership Photograph collection.
Totem poles, Hazelton, B.C.
Hazelton, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Canadian Photo Pugh Specialty, Toronto
Medicine man, Kispiox Indians
Hazelton, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
"Old Indian Hugwelget village near New Hazelton"
Chief of the Kitmas at age of 99
Hazelton, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: W.W. Wrathall, photographer, Hazelton
Chief of the Kitmas at 99 years of age, Hazelton
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Totem poles, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
[Holland family]
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
[Woman] with husband and baby
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Old woman, Kispiox, B.C.
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
Sweatbath at Glenvowell, B.C.
Glen Vowell, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood
More fish drying
Kispiox, [19--]
First Nation: Gitsxan
Photographer: Miss Blackwood